How far do you have to go if you want to be transparent about salary?

How far do you have to go if you want to be transparent about salary? 6 October 2023 Are organisations with transparent salary policies more successful than those that are not? Tricky question. Because everyone will have a clumsy sense that that relationship can never be established with complete precision. Simply and simply because success depends on so many other factors, that disclosure or not will never [...]

Everyone's job description!

Everyone's job description! 7 September 2023 Tell me, how many job descriptions can a company like ours actually have?' By far, this is the most frequently asked question I am asked as a remuneration consultant. And whether I can make an estimate based on this - I admit it straight away: completely unknown to me - key figure [...]

School performance no proof of talent

School performance no proof of talent 7 August 2023 That an 8 on your report card does not guarantee success may be well known, but that does not explain it. How come? Why is it that excellent school performance is no guarantee of a career that shoots into space like a rocket? I do [...]

Mature 35-plus without growth prospects, a worrying group

Mature 35-plussers with no growth prospects, a worrying group 7 July 2023 Growth, growth, growth. All those talent managers, chief happiness officers in front and the entire army of coaches behind them talk about nothing else: growth. As if there will never be a limit to it, this growth. I looked into whether those growth opportunities can be quantified. Important, if we want employees [...]

Do bonuses bring out the worst in people?

Do bonuses bring out the worst in people? 13 June 2023 Evolution has given us an autopilot, the reptilian brain. Which works like a Mafia henchman, fast and effective, unscrupulous. Thinking takes time, morality only distracts. Behaviour by the reptilian brain we exhibit in emergency, precautionary or [...]


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