Online Academy Role-based Pay
Design your own remuneration policy with Baarda model
Full online programme
First time right
Scale-ups and small businesses without managers and functions struggle to design a fair and transparent salary system. Their attempts are often no more than well-intentioned trysts. Those systems run counter to any scientific understanding of salary, behaviour and motivation. 30 years of experience have taught us, that nothing is more unwise than experimenting with terms of employment. First time right. You won't get a second chance.
How can we help? We have put all our knowledge into a very professional online academy for reward system design. And also Proodoss, a platform to manage the reward system. The online academy and Proodoss enable non-experts to solve one of the trickiest problems within HR themselves: designing and maintaining a fair and transparent pay system.
Model Baarda
Naturally, the Baarda model is central to the course. The model consists of eight roles. Each role is characterised by a specific description of added value. By added value, we mean the ability to make decisions in work situations.
With the Baarda model, organisations make the switch from job evaluation to individual and result-oriented remuneration. This benefits their agility and their contemporary vision of people & business.
Online academy
The academy is not for those who want to be in the front row for a dime, or want to cobble something together quickly. Our advice if you feel that way: don't start. If you do want to get serious about your remuneration policy, then this training is what you are looking for.
The academy consists of three modules that are absolutely necessary for a professional remuneration policy:
1. Designing the job matrix.
First, we look at the organisation. What type of customers does your company have, what promise do you make to your customers and how is the primary process organised? What does the ideal organisational design look like that is future-oriented, i.e. vital. Where in the company do you place what expectation value, what knowledge and problem-solving skills are needed to be successful? We call the result the job matrix.
2. Classify employees based on their added value.
With this vital design in hand, we learn how you classify your employees according to added value. Do they meet the expected value, are they still off or rise above it? This is how you position all employees in their learning journey. If you do this as we teach you, employees will:
- Recognise themselves in their profile
- Feeling valued; and
- Accepting the salary in return.
3. Designing a market-based salary structure
The third module covers the technical requirements a salary structure must meet. Furthermore, you will learn how to design a market-compliant salary structure using the available information. We also look at how you currently reward your employees and analyse what adjustments your salary structure needs to be effective. Moreover, we introduce the procedures and regulations that are essential for correct implementation.
We also teach you:
- How to put together a project group
- What your role is as consultant and project leader
- And we will give you all the arrangements and instructions that make implementation successful.