Proodoss update 11 December 2023

Proodoss update 11 December 2023 Employees, managers and team leaders can now also start a 1:1 form! A few weeks ago, the 1:1 functionality in Proodoss was added. This allows employees and reviewers to complete a form together by sending it back and forth and approving it if necessary. Until now, this had to be done by the HR [...]

Proodoss tip July 7, 2023

Proodoss tip 7 July 2023 How do you assign roles to people and change permissions? Watch it below in the video, presented by our avatar Aiden. This tip was written by Stef Swinkels

Proodoss update 9 June 2023

Proodoss update 13 June 2023 Last period, we have been working hard to lay the foundation for the next steps in Performance Development. To this end, the following changes have been made to Proodoss. Check them out in the video below, presented by our avatar Aiden. Upcoming features Our software team is currently working on enabling multiple [...]


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