Lorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis varius diam, sed varius risus. Fusce tristique nisl quam, id vehicula elit scelerisque eget. Aenean non ante non augue aliquam rhoncus id id lorem. Aenean pretium eros at velit varius euismod. Etiam eu varius mauris, at feugiat libero. Morbi dictum semper neque [...]
Working from home, godsend or tragedy?

Working from home, godsend or tragedy? I would quite like to know what the crisis is doing to us. But then really scientifically researched. Because those online meetings, those children running into the picture while working, and hubby noisily holding his own digital meeting in the background, it's not going to go easy on us. [...]
Women versus the glass ceiling

Why women bump their heads at the glass ceiling The glass ceiling, I think I have pretty much located it. I'll tell you exactly where it is, but I think you can also easily pinpoint it yourself. Susan Colantuono That sticky floor is exactly on the line between accomplished professional and Extraordinary [...]
A typical woman's thing

A typical woman's thing Just a quick recap. T's also been some time ago. Susan Colantuono knew, based on her own research, that women are less likely to be promoted because, according to their male colleagues, they are more interested in good relationships and strengthening their own expertise, than in business and financial results. Colantuono [...]